Secretary's Message

It is a blissful moment to see the little stream of education, knowledge, ethics, culture and ethos that began its journey in 1980, has evolved in a large river satiating the needs of growing nation and changing time.

The present times call for the students to be multifocal, to increase the prospectus of success and growth in life. At MGC we strive to strike a balance between academics and co-curricular activities, to provide our studens an opportunity to discover their scholastic potential. The education at our institute is aimed to endow the students with desterity to face the challanges of the reak workd and equipping them with relevant skills, to find solutions to overcome those hurdles and come out as a winner. We invite those aspiring minds who dream it big and want to leave their marks for the future generations to come, to be a part of the happy family & explore the new vistas of education.


Dr. Vashdev Thawani

Secretary MGC